searching for myself
who am I?
I did find out that its important to be myself but I didn’t find out who I really am since it is not a fixed thing, its always in movement and growth. As soon as I have a taste of myself in my mouth it is already digested. But that doesn’t mean that authenticity is impossible. It made me embrace my artistic self and inspires me to stop the constant comparison with others. Being who we really are is such a game-changer.
The question who I am and what this all is for is there all my life. Through reflection, philosophical contemplation, meditation and artistic expression I am moving through that complex questions for meaning and figuring out who I am.
A lot of my work reflects about what it means to be human.
here you see an object located on the intersections between sculpture, painting and performance. The object is made out of many layers of linen mounted on a frame and then sanded through. In the hole there is a hidden camera installed with facial recognition so the artwork is screaming the moment someone is looking at it - it doesn't want to be seen. Next to the reference point of myself and the shame of being seen, this refers also to the question if art has to be seen by a recipient to be art.
“Schreibild” intermedia object, 2016
finding a connection to my anger
Performance “two negotiations at two places”, location one – the hallway. Vienna 2016
this is about my relationship with myself - back in 2015 when it was one full of hatred and fighting myself. I created a performance called "Fehdehandschuh" which can be translated as the glove for dueling or vendetta, where at the beginning I slapped my own face with an empty glove to declare the fight. So in this photography there is that dueling glove in an intimate situation at home.
“Handschuhfehde” performance, 1min 40sec
searching for myself in many layers of masks of identity, reaching darkness at the end.
“searching” Videodraft, Vienna, 2016
Trying to reach perfection but having to realize that its unattainable .. embracing all of who I am.
“sphere - the performance” Chengdu, China 2018
here I create a connection between myself and my environment and also between the second and the third dimension through a rope-connecting technique which is called splicing.
“knots” assemblages 2012
with this artwork I am exploring the surface, the opening points and the inside layers of my shell. Between the lining and the shell.
“Ich sehe was was du nicht siehst”
Textile Object/Clothing, Vienna 2008
“a door behind a door behind a door” is telling about the many layers of self discovery and that it never ends, there will always be a door behind a door.
Concept and model for an installation, 2016
here I drew a split underneath a split in the unseen. this talks about the brokenness of myself.
“ein Riss” felt pen on paper, 2015
this work is about the fear of the darkness within and the impulse to run.
“run”, moving picture, Vienna 2016
In my artistic work I bring that search in the material as a literal searching, as a reflecting about Identity, embracing the blind-spots and integrating the subconsciousness.
What is Identity? And what is the difference between Identity, the ego and the I? Researching and embodying Identities of others as a plain medium where the other becomes the director and artist of their own identity.
“Identity Portrayals - projection” 2010-16