switching identities
what is identity?
what is identity?
what is the difference between identity, the self and the I?
Identity-portrayals can be seen as a twofold / two-edged representation, with each "figure" being the creator as well as the director of a situation that tries to seize their own identity. This work aims to open up a philosophical discourse of thinking about identity, the self and the ego. What is the relationship between our inner being and our representation? Can we achieve greater freedom in this process? And what role do photographs play in the process of identification?
neither me nor you
Identity portrayals is about exploring these questions. First, as part of a group exhibition, I portrayed the identity of every exposer. Performing is used as media to think about singularity of every identity. I provide myself as a plain media - as plain as possible. Every detail (i.e. setting, time and light) is composed by the figure which I performed. A third, not existing identity has created itself on the photograph. It’s neither artist nor figure.
The portrayals had become very personal and intimate with the depth of investigation. In the exhibition they were shown in an old-school photo album to transport the intimacy of the portrayed identity. Later I continued with the Identity-portrayals in different contexts and experimented with projecting these portrayals on many layers of semi-transparent textiles. The combination of the layered projection with the real body (me as plain media) became an performative installation with interesting potential for further exploration.
The aim was to kick off a process of thinking about the identity, the self and the I.
As part of the project every “figure” had to fill an identity-questionnaire with exact questions about identity-building factors. I also handed postcards with selected questions to different people, as an inspiration to think about themselves – and out of curiosity what the answers would be. I realized that this project was also my attempt to understand the concept of identity for myself and to try to grasp my own identity.
If you participate in this work please ask yourself
how you want to present your identity… /your figure…
what is asked to choose:
1) who: what part of your figure you want to show (to “project” on me): “art figure” or “Private Identity” (if it differs) or another possibility
2) when: at what time of the day you feel the most yourself
3) where: what place you want to choose (space)
4) with what: which clothes she should wear; any important objects (i.e. tools or accessories …)
5) how: what activity / action;
6) with whom: alone or with people (if, with whom?)
7) how: how to compose the photography
—> time, space, light, exposure
This means that I will wear your clothes and act in a situation you created in a time you chose. The task is to catch your Identity as most as possible and try to project it on me. Then you will shoot a photograph from that Moment.
what is identity for you?
how do appearances affect Identity?
how do you sense others?
do you feel comfortable in your identity?
what constructs identity?
who are you?
Performing identity portrayal of Mr. Black, a Ghanaian artist, at his house in Accra, Ghana 2015
Me & Mr. Black
>what defines identity
>performing a performer
>projection surface
>image of identities
>identity of an image